
Welcome to the governors’ page of Burneston Church of England (VA) School. This page will tell you about our governors and their role in school.

The role of the Governing Body

The school governors are the strategic leaders of our school, and they have a key role in ensuring that each child thrives and receives the best possible education. Their core functions are:

· To set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;

· To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, and the performance management of staff;

· To appoint the staff, agree the budget and make sure the school’s money is well spent.

Our governors bring a wide breadth of experience and expertise to our school. They know the school; its strengths and challenges, the data about progress and attainment, the staff and pupils, the parents and the community. They oversee the School Development Plan that identifies priorities for the year and drives change to improve outcomes for our pupils. The governors act as a “critical” friend to the headteacher by providing advice, challenge and support.


The membership of our Governing Body is comprised of parents, school staff, and individuals connected to the local church and community.


School Improvement Committee

The role of the School Improvement Committee is to set the school priorities for educational improvement, and to monitor and evaluate the progress and attainment of all pupils at the school.

Finance Committee

The role of the Finance Committee is to ensure the sound financial management of the school through regular scrutiny and evaluation. The Committee is responsible for determining and reviewing the school staffing arrangements

Governor Name Date Declared Term of Office Category of Governor / Appointed by Position Business Interests Governor at another Institution? Personal / Family Interests Committee Membership Link Governor Role Meeting Attendance Academic Year 2022/23
Suzy Smart 30/09/2019 N/A Headteacher Headteacher Nothing to Declare No None Finance, SIC N/A FGB 100% (6/6), SIC 100% (3/3), Finance 100% (3/3)
Louise Carter 02/12/2020 01/12/2024 Foundation Governor / Diocese Chair Nothing to Declare No None Finance, SIC, Pay and Personnel, Complaints, Exclusions Appeals Assessment, Data Analysis, Leadership & Management FGB 100% (6/6), SIC 100% (3/3), Finance 100% (3/3)
Tim Easton 01/03/2020 28/02/2024 (Term extended to 05/03/2028) Staff Governor / Staff Chair of School Improvement Committee Nothing to Declare No None SIC Sports Premium, Chair of SIC FGB 83% (5/6), SIC 100% (3/3)
Claire Robinson 01/03/2021 28/02/2025 Foundation Governor / Diocese Vice Chair Nothing to Declare No None Staff Appeals Safeguarding, Behaviour & Attitude, SEND FGB 83% (5/6)
Zoe Campbell 29/09/2021 28/09/2025 Foundation Governor / Diocese Nothing to Declare No None SIC Maths FGB 100% (5/6), SIC 100% (3/3)
Kirsty Gwynn-Thomas 09/02/2022 08/02/2026 Ex Officio / Diocese Ex Officio Nothing to Declare No None English, RE FGB 100% (5/6)
Richard Barker 09/02/2022 08/02/2026 Parent Governor / Parents Chair of Finance Committee Nothing to Declare No None Finance, Pay and Personnel, Staff Appeals, Admissions Pupil Premium FGB 50% (3/6), Finance 100% (3/3)
Yvonne Richardson 30/03/2022 29/03/2026 Foundation Governor / Diocese Nothing to Declare No None Health & Safety FGB 66% (4/6)
Jamie Balfour 08/02/2023 07/02/2027 Parent Governor / Parents Nothing to Declare No None Finance FGB 75% (3/4), Finance 100% (2/2)
VACANCY Foundation Governor / Diocese
VACANCY Foundation Governor / Diocese
VACANCY Local Authority Governor
Helena Moss Clerk to Governors Clerk to Governors

Governors who have ended their term of office during the academic year 2022-23:





30/11/2022 12/07/2023 LOCAL AUTHORITY





LIZ WILSON 20/11/2018 19/11/2022











31/08/2021 17/05/2023 DIOCESE






Structure of Governance September 2022

Full Governing Body

Louise Carter (Chair), Claire Robinson (Vice Chair), Liz Wilson, Judy Shopland-Reed, Yvonne Richardson, Richard Barker, Zoe Campbell, Kirsty Gwyn-Thomas, Jamie Balfour, Tim Easton, Suzy Smart

School Improvement Committee

Tim Easton, Claire Robinson, Louise Carter, Suzy Smart, Zoe Campbell

Finance Committee

Richard Barker, Louise Carter, Tim Easton, Suzy Smart


Governor Roles:


Claire Robinson

Quality of Education

Zoe Campbell (maths, foundation subjects), Kirsty Gwyn-Thomas (English), Yvonne Richardson (Science), Claire Robinson (PSHE/RSE), Judy Shopland-Reed (PE)

Behaviour and Attitudes

Claire Robinson

Personal Development

Claire Robinson, Judy Shopland-Reed


Claire Robinson

Leadership and Management

Louise Carter

Early Years

Liz Wilson

Pupil Premium

Richard Barker

Staff Representative

Tim Easton